Wink, M+M Wedding Invitation supplier

We were running out of time when Mike & I decided to get Wink as our wedding invites suppliers. Their location is very convenient for us (within our neighborhood).

We wanted a unique invitation, Mike was so particular with this. It should be something that showcases our personality and common interests (much like the wedding cake!) That's why we also got Wink to create a custom design for us.
Stefanie Mercado handled our account and gave us the initial layouts. Once we approve them, the invitations will be printed after 10 working days.

Facebook-inspired wedding invitation by Wink
But the first layout didn't sit well with us. So, Stef sent another proof (sorry can't find the files!), and that time we had two different layouts again. Still, I wasn't happy with them.

That's when we decided that I will design our wedding invitation (I have some dormant Adobe Photoshop skills). We would just let Wink print them. And we were happy with the results :-)

Our DIY design invites
Printed by Wink
Verdict: We got what we expected from Wink. They delivered according to the schedules and Stef handled our inquiries very well. I won't take our dissatisfaction with the custom design against them as this is something I'm fickle about just like our photobooth layout. :-)


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